Everyday Adventure // Castlewood Canyon

Over Labor Day weekend (I know, I’m a little behind on some of these posts – it’s NaNoWriMo‘s fault!), our friends and I headed out for a hike through Castlewood Canyon State Park.

The park is just off Hwy 83, near Douglas.  Especially later in the day, the trail was crowded with tons of people and dogs enjoying the little swimming spots created by the river that runs through the canyon.  All the times we’ve driven past it on our way up to Denver (it’s much more scenic, though granted much longer, to take 83 over 25) and I had no idea so many people even knew this little spot existed!

Much of what we could see used to be underwater, in fact, as there was a huge dam that created a lake out of the valley.  It’s since burst and was never repaired, and now it just stands like a huge wall separating nothing from nowhere.

Aside from the rattlesnake warning in effect (eep) and the hot hot heat (seems a distant memory now), it was a beautiful hike.  I’m glad that after passing the park from the road so many times, we were finally able to stop and check it out.