So Long, Farewell…

Well, I had to wait a while to post this one JUST to make sure – it seems totally unreal! But…

It’s finally official. After several weeks of waiting, the final papers have been signed and Husband has his freedom from the Army!

I had no concept of the sacrifices soldiers and their families make everyday until I fell in love with one, but I will never ever forget.  I am so thankful for those who continue to serve and for the families who continue to stand by them.  In my mind, it’s not about politics, but about people – people willing to work hard for something bigger than themselves, and even to die for it.  The sacrifice blows my mind. How so many die and so many are ungrateful or unaware.

My dearest soldiers, thank you.  We can never tell you enough.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Sketch in sharpie and colored pencil, with a little help from George Lundeen

Husband and I are ready for a new chapter of civilian life – a new adventure, full of its own challenges, to be sure.  I may no longer be an Army wife, but Husband will always be my soldier.  I am so proud of everything he does to serve God, serve his country, and serve his family.

Lucky duck, I am.