Moments of Pretty


This week, as you know, I participated with Kate on her creative cleanse and it was just what I needed.  I had such a good time getting away from my usual routine and just making pretty things.

1. A friend and I saw the opera Romeo & Juliet in French at the Denver Performing Arts Center.  Hooray for high heels and wine.

2. One of the more colorful parts of winter – fresh tasty grapefruit.

3. I finished a project that I have been putting off since Thanksgiving, phew!

4. Another creative endeavor this week, some sketching that turned into a digital illustration.

5 & 6. My new camera arrived and I got to test it out at Pulse ladies’ night – isn’t it beautiful?

Things should be back to normal this week around here, except I’m going to be taking what I’ve learned this past week and build more creative time into my schedule.  I’ve definitely learned that my calendar needs to reflect my priorities and that creative time, no matter how trivial it may seem, is quite important for my well-being!

Are there things that are important to you that don’t get much priority on your schedule?  Here’s to challenging ourselves with a little change!