Inspire Me // As the Sun Goes Down

When you get wrapped up in a string of dreary days, it’s always good to have some go-to rut-busters, things that will rejuvenate you and make you smile.  This is one of my favorites.

Take a walk as the sun goes down.

There is something about the evening air and the golden light just before sunset that is just perfect.  This is one of my favorite times, whether gardens are in bloom, leaves are changing, or snow crunches under our feet as my husband and I meander along.

Take time to dream a little.  Take time to notice the world around you – the sights and smells of the ever-changing seasons.  Take time to reconnect, away from the computer screen and with the ones you love most.

This stuff is tried and true – if nothing else sparks my inspiration, simply a quick walk in the evening time usually does the trick.