Moments of Pretty


This week has been coooooold.  Hard to be thankful for that, but I am thankful that we’re settling back into the post-holiday routine and life is slowing down a bit.

1. This guy is back to being himself (he’s usually extra nice when we first get home from a trip, but once he’s convinced we’re not leaving again his usual antics return).

2. These mountains, well, they never stopped being gorgeous.

3 & 4.  The only way outfit photos happen these days – also, those wedges are from Target and they are awesome, in case you were wondering.

5. Added some mood lighting in the bathroom so that we can escape the jet-turbine of a bathroom fan.

6. January is the month of soups at our house, not that I mind in the slightest.  Mirepoix is one of my favorite smells on earth!

Looking forward to Chicago for some family time and THIS.  Majorly excited.  Wishing you some warmth this week!