Fresh Friday // Spring 30×30 Week 1

So my first week of the Spring 30×30 Challenge is complete (and I’m actually well on my way into week two!)

If you need a refresher on what the challenge is all about, and the thirty items I chose, hit up this post.  Here’s a recap of my first seven outfits!

I think my favorite so far is number five, though I also really liked two and seven.  Opinions?  Is anyone else taking on the challenge?

  • Kimberly KonkolJune 1, 2012 - 8:13 am

    What a hard choice! Good luck! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • S. RochelleJune 1, 2012 - 8:23 am

    5 looks adorable! I love how you’re doing it with sketches instead of photos. I think I need to do some sort of challenge like this soon. I’m really uninspired by my wardrobe lately. I think I just need to be forced to think outside of the box, or I just need to finish some of my clothes projects!ReplyCancel

    • Annabelle MintzJune 5, 2012 - 2:19 pm

      Thanks Rochelle – Yes, do it!! I know you have it in you 🙂 And the sketches are much easier than dragging hubby to take photos or setting up a tripod! haha, who knew laziness could birth art? 😉ReplyCancel

  • Joanna MontesJune 1, 2012 - 8:58 am

    I like number 5 too! Love the drawings!!!ReplyCancel

  • […] If you need a refresher on what the challenge is all about, and the thirty items I chose, hit up this post. If you wanna see my first week of outfits, look here. […]ReplyCancel

  • […] Summary / Week 1 / Week […]ReplyCancel