
With the first two photos, I feel almost weird calling this post moments of pretty like all the others – wildfires are definitely a dangerous and tragic kind of beautiful.

I don’t know what the news is filled with in other parts of the world – but in Colorado, it’s basically all fire coverage.  This is the first one we’ve been able to see from where we live.  My husband and I actually left our apartment last night, as they were evacuating everything to the west of our street (we live on the east side of said street – but really, what’s 15 feet?).  Doesn’t look like the fire’s headed our direction, so we might be back there tonight.

1. Yesterday afternoon – the smoke from Waldo Canyon fire covered up the sun.  It was eerie to watch the thing grow.

2. Pike’s Peak from our apartment complex yesterday, early in the fire’s life.  Now you can’t even see the mountain, it’s just all hazy smoke.

3. & 4. On a (much) happier note, husband & I got out for some nostalgia earlier this week – Vienna Beef hotdogs are THE taste of home for me.  Yes, above Chicago-style pizza, although that’s a close second.

5. A little walk from our house, pre-fire, obviously.  Evening walks have to be one of my favorite things.

6. Peak theater, downtown Colorado Springs – have always loved all the crazy colors.

7. Attempting to get some work done this afternoon at my second home.

8. The sunshine through the trees.  It’s a beautiful thing.  Though, rain would be good right about now!

Yup. Rain would be good.

(Find me on instagram : @bellatheball)