Everyday Adventure // Wilkerson Pass

I don’t know if I can explain to you why, but Wilkerson Pass is one of my favorite places in Colorado – and maybe even the world.  If I need to get out and take a drive, this is usually where I end up.  You’ll find a little rest area at the crest of the pass as you head West on Route 24, about an hour or so after you’ve left Colorado Springs.  And it really doesn’t look all that exciting when you approach it until you stop and get out:

There are a few little trails down from the rest area, but I’ve also just done some bushwacking and exploring – though I recommend long pants (I walked around here once in shorts and got eaten alive walking through the tall grasses).   I love that you can see Pike’s Peak on one side of the pass, and the Collegiate Peaks in all their glory on the other side – double views!

Wilkerson Pass was where I discovered the Love tree I featured in this post – there a bunch of aspens that I’ve come up to see in their fall colors, in snow-covered winter-ness and in summertime sparkle.  Aspens rank high on my list of favorite trees (am I the only one that has a list like that?)

There’s nothing like finding a rock with a view and pondering how big and beautiful the world is.  Nothing like it.  In fact, I think Wilkerson Pass is due for another visit from me pretty soon.  Some places just call you back over and over again.

  • […] Geometry Skip to content HomeAbout Me ← Everyday Adventure: Wilkerson Pass March 7, 2012 · 9:01 am ↓ Jump to […]ReplyCancel

  • […] I couldn’t find my red headband (perhaps kitten stashed it away?) so I went with red lips instead! You’ll have to trust me, as we only took two photos: one had horrible lighting, and in the other, I was acting as queen of the bizarre facial expressions.  So here we have better light sans awkward face (and head – is that more awkward?).  Seriously, this is why I do landscape photography! […]ReplyCancel